Tuesday, February 7, 2023

The Project Gutenberg Ebook Of The Open Boat And Other Stories, By Stephen Crane

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He crossed the street, and they said—"Hello-kid." There was a mighty hubbub then in the darkness. Five or six men began to pace the distance and quarrel.

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Washington Column is a sheer rock face that rises behind the Majestic Yosemite Hotel, on which a full dome, North Dome sits. Past Yosemite Falls are another row of three pointed rocks, side by side, known as the Three Brothers. Then, El Capitan dominates the west end of the valley. At the geographic center of the park lies Mount Hoffman, at 10,850 feet. South of the Tioga road lies the Merced River drainage.

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Founded by seasoned fashion retailer Tina Burgos, Massachusetts-based boutique Covet + Lou began as an ecommerce retailer in 2013. Always a champion of innovation in fashion, the shop is a reflection of Burgos' personal aesthetic and commitment to exciting, independent designers. Each piece is carefully hand-selected to create a highly-curated environment to create a collection that feels personal and thoughtful. Yosemite National Park is one of over 390 parks in the National Park System.

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He began to see tatters that matched his tatters. In Chatham Square there were aimless men strewn in front of saloons and lodging-houses, standing sadly, patiently, reminding one vaguely of the attitudes of chickens in a storm. He aligned himself with these men, and turned slowly to occupy himself with the flowing life of the great street. He called softly for his mother, and complained of his hunger in the familiar formula. The pearl-coloured cow, grinding her jaws thoughtfully, stared at him with her large eyes. The peaceful gloom of evening was slowly draping the hills.

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There was a resolute crashing of musketry from the tall hill on the left, and from directly in front there was a mingled din of artillery and musketry firing. Peza felt that his pride was playing a great trick in forcing him forward in this manner under conditions of strangeness, isolation, and ignorance. But he recalled the manner of the lieutenant, the smile on the hill-top among the flying peasants. Peza blushed and pulled the peak of his helmet down on his forehead.

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The view of the dark bird, its body about 7 inches long, is from below. The image shows off its wing span and black feathers that transition to a light grey color along its neck and head. Beside the woman stand two preschool age children in nearly-matching plaid dresses.

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For a time the young man was afraid to approach the two girls; he followed them at a distance and called himself a coward. At last, however, he saw them stop on the outer edge of the crowd and stand silently listening to the voices of the sea. When he came to where they stood, he was trembling in his agitation.

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It was as if some one had suddenly enraged a cageful of wild cats. The spirits of all the revenges which they had imagined were loosened at this time, and filled the air. This laugh had so chained their reason that for a moment they had no wit to flee.

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Continually looking backward over his shoulder, he studied the purple expanses where the night was marching away. José rolled and shuddered in his saddle, persistently disturbing the stride of the black horse, fretting and worrying him until the white foam flew, and the great shoulders shone like satin from the sweat. The firelight smothered the rays which, streaming from a moon as large as a drum-head, were struggling at the open door. Richardson heard from the plain the fine, rhythmical trample of the hoofs of hurried horses.

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The form of the lighthouse had vanished from the southern horizon, but finally a pale star appeared, just lifting from the sea. The streaked saffron in the west passed before the all-merging darkness, and the sea to the east was black. The land had vanished, and was expressed only by the low and drear thunder of the surf. It had veered from the north-east to the south-east.

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